Sunday, October 18, 2009

Birthday celebration No.1 - Caldicot, Wales

We arrived in Wales on October 4th and commenced 2 weeks of quality family time, fine food and rest from the rigours of travel and work. During this time there was also a significant birthday celebration!
Breakfast and presents for a 30 year old

Playtime for a 30 year old
Birthday Cake 1 was enjoyed at the YHA where Sean and Agnieszka work. Oli, our nephew played with the cake decorations while the cutting was being done. Candles were avoided due to smoke detectors.
Dinner celebrations included surprise guest, Andy who put in the mammoth effort of driving from the Wirral (a 3 hour trip each way) for dinner before flying to China the next day!

Andy, Jill (Si's Mum) and Si

And Birthday cake No. 2:

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