Friday, January 15, 2010

District and National Sports

After nominating ourselves to tag along with the crew competing in the sports, Sarah was enlisted as the event Physio and Si assisted as general dogs-body for the CRP team. The day began by loading a couple of wheelchairs onto a ute...!!!
Some of the other teams made their way to the arena by public transport. Don't be misled by the apparent good condition of this Tempo, they are generally only held together by the peeling paint work, and perhaps the conductor, who stands on the back step as they race along at break-neck speed through the streets of Dhaka.
We had an inkling of what was to come in the opening ceremony when we discovered this bag moving and spotted a pigeon's beak through an "air-hole". Even with this foresight, we were a little surprised to later witness 5 birds(!) being released from this one bag.
CRP had by far the biggest team at the event. All of the competitors paraded around the arena with the assistance of the support teams.
The event was officially opened once the flame had been lit.
One of the highlights was a wheelchair race which included 6 of the older guys from CRP (out of 7 competitors). Each race was organised during what appeared to be a rather heated discussion between several staff members of the rival teams... who then needed to be cleared from the field before the race could get underway.
Later in the day the teams flexed their muscles for the shotput event.
Prizes were handed out for each event, and as it turned out the Physio got one too. Our flat now contains 6 new high-quality glass tumblers.
The competitors (and bideshi support crew) had a great couple of days. It provided us with a really nice opportunity to get to know some of the people that we have seen around CRP for a while (and practice our Bangla). Many are now in training to attempt selection for the upcoming Commonwealth Games in Delhi. We wish them the best of luck.

Boxing Day and New Year

Although we worked Boxing Day, in the evening we were treated to a nice meal at our "local" Italian restaurant... that's right you read it correctly... an Italian restaurant located in a rural area near Savar.
Both pizza and tiramisu were gratefully received after recent consumption of excessive quantities yellow coloured foods. Less well received was the amusing soundtrack of Aqua (remember Barbie Girl and Doctor Jones?) which we think is saved especially to make bideshi's (foreigners) feel at home!
Happy New Year!!
It appears that the cold weather in Bangladesh has inspired some new fashion trends which sometimes double as mobile phone holders...
Once again pizza and Fosters were on the menu, this time with the roast chicken that was missing from Christmas Day.
Then we moved on to Pictionary Mania. Si's bewildered team looks on as he tries to draw the Eiffel Tower with his eyes closed...
New Year number 1! The Bangladeshi Government gave us the opportunity to celebrate New Year twice by turning the clocks back 1 hour at midnight.
New Year number 2! A somewhat quiter affair...