Friday, January 15, 2010

Boxing Day and New Year

Although we worked Boxing Day, in the evening we were treated to a nice meal at our "local" Italian restaurant... that's right you read it correctly... an Italian restaurant located in a rural area near Savar.
Both pizza and tiramisu were gratefully received after recent consumption of excessive quantities yellow coloured foods. Less well received was the amusing soundtrack of Aqua (remember Barbie Girl and Doctor Jones?) which we think is saved especially to make bideshi's (foreigners) feel at home!
Happy New Year!!
It appears that the cold weather in Bangladesh has inspired some new fashion trends which sometimes double as mobile phone holders...
Once again pizza and Fosters were on the menu, this time with the roast chicken that was missing from Christmas Day.
Then we moved on to Pictionary Mania. Si's bewildered team looks on as he tries to draw the Eiffel Tower with his eyes closed...
New Year number 1! The Bangladeshi Government gave us the opportunity to celebrate New Year twice by turning the clocks back 1 hour at midnight.
New Year number 2! A somewhat quiter affair...

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