Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Libby's Visit

We were lucky enough to have Libby Proud come and visit us and CRP recently. This enabled us to put her to work in a few key areas of her expertise as well as spurring us on to see many sights that we had not got around to visiting before now. Here you can see Libby being introduced by Reshma at the Evidence-Based Practice seminar.
The madness of Old Dhaka is enough to unsettle even the most hardy of travellers… but Libby seemed to be in her element – side stepping over unsavoury areas where the concrete didn’t quite cover what it was meant to, and braving rickshaws and other faster, horn blaring modes of transport in order to get some great photos.
On our Friday (official day off) we headed to Gonokbari which is the women’s vocational training centre of CRP. This is the halfway hostel where women practice independent living before being discharged home with their new-found skills.
After the EBP seminar, we headed out to visit some OT students who were doing a rural placement and joined them on a few home visits. We also visited a school where the students had organised an inclusive sports competition (ie games were designed that could include a young wheelchair user). The foreigners became the chief prize-givers.
Everywhere in Bangladesh, foreigners draw a crowd. Here we stopped for cha in a small village not used to visitors and were quickly surrounded. It is probably time we started counting the crowds we attract and identifying when new records are established.
On Libby’s last full day in the ‘Desh we hired a car to take us to Comilla, a town near the Indian border which is renowned for some Buddhist ruins. With traffic congestion and some difficult roads, we spent much more time in the car than out exploring but managed to have a nice day and see some interesting sights nevertheless.

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