Friday, March 12, 2010

A quiet stroll around Savar

We set out on a mission to find a good route for Sarah's morning walks that didn't involve falling in muddy rice paddies and preferably looped nicely back to CRP. After a yummy Bangladeshi breaky we went wandering up the lanes on the outskirts of Savar.
We went out past some paddy fields which have been growing steadily throughout our time here and are now showing off their vivid green colour.
The road then continues on winding out through quiet rural areas, and for the most part we got to stroll casually and uninterrupted...
That is until one of the local brightly coloured trucks turned up and offered us a ride towards somewhere that was roughly in the direction that we were walking. We decided to accept the offer, particularly as we were not doing a very good job of finding the loop back to CRP. With intermittent Banglish we explained that we were aiming to get back to Savar but were happy to ride with them for a while.
They offered to drop us in Ashulia where we could get a bus back to Savar, but in the end we got out at a junction between the two towns and, after bidding our new friends goodbye, we continued walking back in the general direction of Savar.
Eventually we recognised where we were and walked out to the highway past some particularly well stacked rickshaw wagons. When we got out to the highway we were offered a ride back to CRP on an empty one of these contraptions and willingly accepted.
To round off our morning of adventure we indulged in the local version of an iced lolly... a carton of frozen fruit cocktail juice.

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