Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our eating patterns in Bangladesh!

The day can start with a variety of breakfast options. Puffed rice is the closest, cheap thing we have found to cereal! This is enjoyed with yoghurt, milk, honey and stewed apple.
The nicest bread we have found is Tandoor which we tend to buy in bulk, freeze then toast for breakfast. (pictured below with our kettle). This is a good back up when we are out of puffed rice that can only be bought packaged in Dhaka (about 3 hours bus ride away).

Alternately, we can have a more social breakfast in the cafeteria which consists of roti, curry and cha (sweet, milky tea)

Tiffin around 10am includes cha and banana plus or minus samosa-type goods or noodles. This is brought around by a 'pabi' with a tea trolley.

Lunch is at 1.30pm. The foreigners all meet in the guest house and are served a variety of local curry-based delicacies by Mary and Tahmina (our ayahs).

At dinner-time we generally arrange our own meals in our flat. Alternatively, we join together for group meals.
On this occasion, we each brought a dish to share. Feeling patriotic, we 'wowed' the crowd with vegemite on naan bread (alongside a bean salad).

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