Saturday, December 19, 2009

Shishu Polli Plus

We had the opportunity to visit Shishu Polli Plus, also known as Sreepur village. SPP, a centre for destitute women and children was set up 20 years ago by Pat Kerr, an English OT turned flight stewardess. The centre gained a lot of publicity through the involvement of British Airways in the late 80's and 90's. Set in a beautiful location, the buildings and grounds are well maintained and provide a lovely environment for the residents.
80% of the vegetables consumed are home grown, there are bees for honey, dairy cows and 2 fish ponds which supplies everyone with 2 serves of fish a week.
Vocational training programmes are offered to women and adolescents including weaving, tailoring, mechanics, paper making, printing and computer skills.
SPP seems to have significantly changed the lives of many women and children and given them opportunities they would never have been able to access otherwise.

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