Saturday, December 19, 2009

A visit to the brick factory

We jumped at Sofia's idea to visit the local brick factories and learn the processes involved, much to the surprise of our local colleagues who dropped us there on their way to Dhaka.
Thanks to Sofia's proficient Bangla, we slowly pieced the process together. First the mud is mixed with water to get the right consistency. It is then compressed using the contraption pictured below.
The mud is packed into this mold.
Then left to dry in the sun. All of the bricks are turned regularly to ensure even drying which is back-breaking and time-consuming work for the labourers.
The bricks are then baked for approx 24 hours in an enormous kiln which we inadvertently walked on. Luckily we were warned of the big holes. All of the work is done manually with bricks moved individually for the most part.
A crowd quickly formed to get a peek at the strange foreigners.
For further info on how bricks are carried in Bangladesh, check out the following link:

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